ZED-Crackme made by zed-zahir
When I unpacked the archive and tried to run crackme, a segmentation fault error has occured.
# ./ZED-Crackme-x64.bin
[1] 11303 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./ZED-Crackme-x64.bin
By using the string command I recognized that the file was packed with UPX:
$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer http://upx.sf.net $
$Id: UPX 3.94 Copyright (C) 1996-2017 the UPX Team. All Rights Reserved. $
After unpacking the file it ran properly:
# upx -d ZED-Crackme-x64.bin
# ./ZED-Crackme-x64.bin
** rules: **
* do not bruteforce
* do not patch, find instead the serial.
enter the passphrase: test
try again
The program displayed the rules and waited for password.
I opened it in IDA. Here we get a first part of a main function:
After printing rules program saves a null terminated string into memory:
mov rax, 2073692073696854h
mov rdx, 657320706F742061h
mov [rbp+var_30], rax
mov [rbp+var_28], rdx
mov rax, 7865742074657263h
mov rdx, 67617373656D2074h
mov [rbp+var_20], rax
mov [rbp+var_18], rdx
mov [rbp+var_10], 2165h
mov [rbp+var_E], 0
Let’s call this string “message”.
So “message” contains “This is a top secret text message!”.
Next the program checks if it has been run in the virtual machine. If so, the program is terminated otherwise execution proceeds to the next stage.
The “message” address is loaded to rax register then copied to rsi and rot function is called. The process is then repeated.
lea rax, [rbp+var_30]
mov rsi, rax
mov edi, 0Dh
call rot
lea rax, [rbp+var_30]
mov rsi, rax
mov edi, 0Dh
call rot
ROT13 is its own inverse so “message” is firstly encoded and then decoded.
"This is a top secret text message!" => rot13 => "Guvf vf n gbc frperg grkg zrffntr!"
"Guvf vf n gbc frperg grkg zrffntr!" => rot13 => "This is a top secret text message!"
However “message” won’t be used any more in the program and it doesn’t have any influence on serial key generation.
Next the another string is saved into memory. I named it “password_base”.
mov rax, 4145443332694841h
mov rdx, 464F434645454244h
mov [rbp+var_90], rax
mov [rbp+var_88], rdx
mov [rbp+var_80], 4546h
mov [rbp+var_7E], 45h
The “password_base” contains “AHi23DEADBEEFCOFFEE” and this string will be used to create serial key. In the next lines program takes input from user and calls ptrace in order to check if it’s currently debugging. If so the program is terminated otherwise it will start creating a serial key.
Here the program creates the first five letters of the key:
The folowing listing listing extxts that part:
; rbp+var_90 => "AHi23DEADBEEFCOFFEE"
movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_90] ; eax = 0x41 'A'
xor eax, 2 ; eax = 0x43 'C'
mov [rbp+s1], al ; serial_key[0] = 'C'
movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_90+3] ; eax = 0x32 '2'
sub eax, 0Ah ; eax = 0x28 '('
mov [rbp+var_4F], al ; serial_key[1] = '('
movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_90+2] ; eax = 0x69 'i'
add eax, 0Ch ; eax = 0x75 'u'
mov [rbp+var_4E], al ; serial_key[2] = 'u'
movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_90+2] ; eax = 0x69 'i'
mov [rbp+var_4D], al ; seial_key[3] = 'i'
movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_90+1] ; eax = 0x48 'H'
add eax, 1 ; eax = 0x49 'I'
mov [rbp+var_4C], al ; serial_key[4] = 'I'
Then program sets index to 5 and jumps to loop.
mov [rbp+var_9C], 5
Here we got a loop condition:
cmp [rbp+var_9C], 12h ; proceed until index isn't equal to 18
jle short loc_1514
In loop program takes each character from “base_password” (starting from 6th character), subtracts 1 from character’s ascii code and then puts the new character into memory (in serial_key array).
Here is a simple Python script that creates the required serial key:
password_base = "AHi23DEADBEEFCOFFEE"
decoded_password = []
decoded_password.append(chr(ord(password_base[0]) ^ 2))
decoded_password.append(chr(ord(password_base[3]) - 0x0A))
decoded_password.append(chr(ord(password_base[2]) + 0x0C))
decoded_password.append(chr(ord(password_base[1]) + 1))
for c in password_base[5:]:
decoded_password.append(chr(ord(c) - 1))
print("Decoded serial key: ", "".join(decoded_password))
And that’s all. When the program creates a serial key, it compares the serial key with the data entered by user. If both strings are the same, crackme is resolved.
lea rdx, [rbp+s2]
lea rax, [rbp+s1]
mov rsi, rdx ; s2
mov rdi, rax ; s1
call _strcmp
test eax, eax
jnz short loc_156A ; bad serial key
lea rdi, aYouSucceed ; "you succeed!!"
call _puts
jmp short loc_1576 ; end program
# ./ZED-Crackme-x64.bin
** rules: **
* do not bruteforce
* do not patch, find instead the serial.
enter the passphrase: C(uiICD@CADDEBNEEDD
you succeed!!
Used tools:
- Ida Freeware 7.0