Detonation v2

Analysis of the domains showed that web infrastructure was out-of-date. In order to confirm that I tried to download content of 126.exe file. To do that I connected my Windows machine to the Internet and I installed and turned on Wireshark on it.

I started PowerShell with administrator’s privileges and I allowed for PowerShell scripts execution:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

I opened PowerShell ISE and pasted there the dropper content and saved it to a .ps1 file.

I added comment to line 17.

And finally started the script. When script ended execution I opened Wireshark, stopped the capturing and used http filter. I saw that 3 domains responded with 404 code.

Traffic to was encrypted:

And traffic for looked like this:

When I tried to open that site in browser, I got similar results. Site was loading very long and provided no content.

Table of content:

  1. Environment configuration
  2. Initial analysis
  3. Macro analysis
  4. Dropper analysis
  5. Detonation
  6. Domain analysis
  7. Detonation ver. 2
  8. Summary